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Create a Dynamics CRM Custom Kanban for views

Table of contents

How Custom Kanban works

Pcf Custom Kanban allows to show a Dynamics CRM view as a Kanban graph.
Each view is configured through "Custom Kanban Config" entity

Records can be moved from a group to another by drag and drop

Editable data is marked with

Records are shown by a custom limit. Click on More records to show more records


1. First of all, import the solution Custom Kanban.
Then create a new view on desired entity, and add all the attributes you want to show/edit

2. Click on Custom Controls, Search CustomKanbanControl, and select it

3. Create a record of Custom Kanban Config entity

General Configuration

  • Name : The name of the config
  • ViewId : Guid of the created view
  • Entity Icon Url : Url of the icon to show on each element
  • Amount Attribute : Name of the attribute the sum is calculated
  • Name Attribute : Name of the attribute of the element title
  • Show Amount : Show Amount Attribute in attributes list
  • Amount Currency : Currency used for the top sum
  • Max Lines : Limit of the show records ('More records' button is shown if this limit is reached)
  • Editable Attributes : List of attributes that can be inline edited (Lookups are not supported)
  • Colors List : List of groups colors
  • Colored Sections : Sections with colors if true
  • Section Min Width : Minimum (in px) of each section
  • Group By Type : 3 types of grouping are supported
  • Show Empty Groups : A Section added for records that related attribute is undefined

4. Choose your configuration type and fill required fields

Business Process Flow Configuration Type

  • Business Process Flow : Business Process Flow
  • BPF Entity : Business Process Flow's entity
  • BPF Record Attribute : Lookup Attribute in the BPF Entity that links in the view entity

Picklist Configuration Type

  • Picklist Attribute : The picklist Attribute (can be status code too)

Result :

Entity Configuration Type

  • Entity Attribute : The lookup Attribute
  • Entity Fetch XML : The request for the group list (at least id attribute and name attribute)
  • Entity Logicalname : Entity collection name (LogicalCollectionName) used in fetchXml
  • Entity Id Attribute : Id Attribute used in fetchXml
  • Entity Name Attribute : Name Attribute used in fetchXml

Result :

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Dynamics CRM Solution

PcfCustomKanban Solution